Which lucky joker 100 extra which lucky joker 100 extra.
Spade is always a trump card, and all players play with the number of tricks.
- Intrusion
- Basic 4-player Selectio n-Players and Card s-Sharin g-Bi d-Pla y-Score
- Variation of spade for 4 people --Dennis Balmore Rule s-New York Rule s-Car d-Pas s-Be t-Playin g-Scor e-Solo Spade
- Spade for 6 people
- Spade for 3 people
- Spade for 2 people
- Other spike variations
- Other www sites related to spade
- Spade software
- Where to play Spade online
How to keep up with John Gart Strikman Spade
Excellent strategic guid e-easy to understand, abundant practical examples.
Steve Frysuman's Spade Strategy General Guide
Famous books on the rules and strategy of Joe and Ryu's Spade Completely Winning
Spade was invented in the United States in the 1930s and is widely played in the United States. Until recently, it was hardly known in other countries, except for some places where US military was stationed, such as a part of Germany. However, since the mi d-1990s, Spads have become popular around the world because they can easily find them in online card rooms on the Internet. With online play and the introduction of tournaments, rules have been standardized, and this page has been revised so that the basic explanation matches the standard. Following the basic explanation, the social games in fac e-t o-face are selected from many variations that are still common.
Spade is a simple game where spades are always a trump card. It usually plays with four people, but there are also for three, two, and six.
Theodore HWA, Dennis Jay Barmore, Shu Kei Wong, John Hay, Daniel Hines, and other information on options Thank you to many people who provided me.
Spades for Four Players
Players and Cards
The four players form a fixed partnership, and the partner sits facing each other. The sharing and play are performed clockwise.
Use the standard 52 decks. The cards in each suit are ranked from A, K, Q, J, J, J, 9, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
The Deal
The first dealer is randomly selected, and the order of the card is clockwise. The card is shuffled and one clockwise is handed out of the player on the left of the dealer.
The Bidding
In Spades, all four players bet on a certain number of tricks. Each team adds up the bets of their two partners, and the total is considered the number of tricks the team must win to get a flattering result. The auction starts with the player sitting to the left of the dealer and goes around the table clockwise. Each player must bid, which theoretically can be any number between 0 and 13. Unlike other bidding games, there is no requirement that a bid be higher than the previous bid, and passing is not allowed. There is no second bid, and the bid number cannot be changed. Example South prepares Headquarters, West prepares Bid 3, North prepares Bid 1, East prepares Bid 4, and South prepares Bid 4. The challenge for North and South is to take at least 5 tricks (4+1), and East and West at least 7 tricks (4+3).
A bid of 0 tricks is called a zero. This is an indication that the player who bets 0 will not win any tricks during the game. In this case, a bonus is added to the fool and a penalty is added to the calamity. Also, the partnership imposes on itself to bring the number of bribes indicated by the partner nil. It is not possible to make a "no trick" bet without making a "zero" bet. If you do not want to receive a zero prize or penalty, you must bet at least one.
Some players allow the blind zero bet. This is a zero bet that is announced before the players see their cards. After everyone has bet, and before the first move, a member has the option to exchange two cards with his partner. He discards two cards face down, and his partner receives them and passes two cards face down. As a rule, blind zero is only given to players who have lost by 100 points or more.
The Play of the Hand
The player to the left of the dealer takes each card, except for the debt, on the first stroke. In clockwise turns, each player is obliged to follow the striker's footsteps if he can.
A player with a spade wins only by its highest card, a player without a spade wins only by the highest card of his stroke. Each bribe favorite leads the correct one. Wine may be consumed afterwards.
- If one of the players plays a spade (if he plays a spade of a clearly different suit).
- If a favorite player has nothing left in his hand but spades.
A winie in Game 1 is a popular "break" of spades.
A side that takes at least as many bribes as the bet scores 10 times the amount of the bet. Auxiliary strokes (skips) score an extra point.
"Bag of Sand" rule: An overwhelming strength is called a bag. A silk that collects 10 or more overtricks (in several transactions) receives 100 points from his account. All packs with 10 or more points are moved to the next cycle of 10 overtricks. That is, if the overtricks reach 20 points, they lose another 100 points and the cycle repeats. (Note: Overtrikes do not need to be recorded separately. If the total number of raid genomes is positive, it will appear as the last number on the team's account.) Example: A team that has won 337 points has bet 5 bribes. If they win 7 bribes, they will achieve 52 points and their score will be 389 points. If they win 8 bribes, they will gain 53 points, but lose 100 points because they won 10 sacks, and their account will be 290 (337 + 53 - 100 - 1003 - 100). If he wins 9 bribes, he will gain 54 points, lose 100 points, and his account will be 291.
The side that did not bet loses 10 points for each declared bribe.
If the "zero" rate is successful, the side that made the "zero" rate gains 100 points. This is in addition to the points that the player who guessed "zero" gained (or lost) for his bribes. If the "zero" rate is unsuccessful, that is, if the player accepted at least one bribe, the side that made the quiz loses 100 points, but at the same time receives all the points for the partner's rate.
The usual rule lies in the fact that if the zero draw is unsuccessful, the bribes acquired by the player who made the zero bet are not counted towards the partner's rate, but are counted as baggage for the team.
Zero blinds - if successful, he gains 200 points, if unsuccessful, he loses 200 points.
The side that first reaches 500 points wins the game. If both players reach 500 points in one transaction, the player with the most points wins.
Variations of Spades for Four Players
Dennis J Barmore's rules
Dennis J Barmore, who previously published a newsletter collecting information on American clubs, peak tournaments, wists and pinokol, described the popular African American option as follows: The rules are the same as for basic peak (see above), with the following differences:
- Tref and heart doubles are removed from the deck, leaving 52 cards. 2 Jokers are considered the best trump card. If you have one mult i-colored card, mult i-colored trumps are higher. If there is a monotonous joker in the deck, one of them is written as "big" and this JOC is ranked higher. 3. Approximately the germination of the cracker is regarded as a spike by seniority-this, the germination of the stream is as follows: a giant joker, 2, A, K, Q, Q, J, 9, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 4, 4, 3. For the purpose of the shirt judgment, the joker is described as a spike.
- Use a partnership auction.
- Keep: Then, trading, the dealer leads one bribe and has the ability to produce any shift. Each card has the ability to display the focus messenger toward the whole game. You don't have to wait until the vinn is broken.
- In general, there is no zero or blind zero, but the partnership has an option to put a blind 7 if no one is looking at his card yet. As a result, 140 points for splashes an d-140 points for troubles. In the case of overardlaw, it usually has one point.
- Theoretically, it is possible to allocate high numbers to the dark clouds, such as 160 points in blind 8 and 180 points in blind 9, to obtain twice as scores. However, these bets do not own a value, except that in the case of a splash, there is a possibility of giving this IRGE enough to win.
New York City rules
Christian A. Baxter has announced the correct variations in New York. Two jokers are connected to the game, and 2 and 2 are removed from the deck. The rank of the playing card card is a huge (red) joker, a small (black) joker, 2, 2, A, K, Q, J, 9, 9, 7, 6, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3 It is. Note that tambourine is described as spikes to determine the jacket and due.
(In fact, according to B. K. Red's report, almost all players guard 2 as the lower dope, but instead remove both reddish dues, almost all of them consider the Dark Joker as the best trick. There is a scarlet joker with footprints.
The dealer shuffles, the player on the right side of the dealer is given, and 13 cards are given to each player. The following methods, called French cuts, are sometimes used. After the dealer shuffles the card, the player on the right of the dealer divides the card into four mountains, turning the card over. One of these cards is distributed to each player, and the cutter decides who will get which card. Next, in order to recreate the deck, the four small decks are piled up except for the top four, and do not shuffle again. These cards are distributed one by one from the left of the dealer, all of which have 13 cards, and each player will have one card that everyone knows.
Transactions are made by a partner from the dealer opponent. Partners can convey the number of "tricks" or "books" (confident tricks) they think they can do, and the number of "possible or unseen tricks that cannot be done). Based on this, we agree with the partnership rate. If a team that does not participate in the game bets, the dealer team will also adjust the bet. All discussions can be heard by all players, so dealer teams may be affected by no n-dealers. The minimum bet amount for each team is 4 and the maximum bet is 10. No zerobet is accepted.
The partnership that loses at least 100 points is not allowed to look at the card and do blind gambling. The minimum blind bet is 6 tricks. Two points if the blindbet succeeds, and one point if you lose. After agreeing to the blindbet, the partner takes the card and looks. If you think you can win at least 10 tricks, you can bet on 10 and bet 10.
The player on the left of the dealer makes the first hit. Spades cannot be obtained with the first three tricks, but that's not the case that the player who has taken the trump card with other suits spade is "pulled out". You can take any card from the fourth trick.
In order for a normal bet from 4 to 9 to succeed, the specified number of tricks must be taken. If the bet is successful, the team will get 10 times the number of beds and do not pay additional skip. If you can only get a stroke less than a bet, or if you can not get three or more sandbags, it will be folded and you will lose 10 points per stroke.
For a non-blind 10 bet, if 10, 11 or 12 strokes are required, the team will receive 200 points. If they bet 10 and win all 13 tricks, they win the game. If they take more than 10 strokes, they lose 200 points. The team that makes all 13 strokes, called a "Boston", is still awarded "bragging rights". This also applies if they bet less than 10 strokes. In this case, they are out of the game and receive a minus on their bet for making so many skips.
If the blind bet requires at least as many skips as the bet, and there is no limit on the number of sandbags, the team will receive twice the amount required for the non-blind bet. If the blind bet is successful with a 10, they will receive 400 points, but the team that made the blind bet and came out with a non-blind bet of 10 will only score 200 points. Blind bets are lost if players make fewer strokes than indicated, and if no doubling is done, they lose only 10 points for each stroke made on blind bets 6-9, or 200 points for a lost blind bet of 10.
The first hand of a new game is usually played without a bid. Each team gets as many strokes as they can, earning 10 points per stroke.
If a team hits the net twice in a row (a "back-to-back shot"), they lose the game, regardless of the score. If both teams hit the net twice in a row, the team with the higher score wins. (B. K. Red reports that in some pools, a team that makes two consecutive sets survives all hardships, but loses the whole game if it is changed three times in a row).
If the game is not decided by Boston, or if two consecutive losses occur, the team that scores 500 points or more, or the team that scores more points, wins if this is achieved in the same deal. In the event of a tie at 500 or more, the act must continue until the tie is broken.
Other variations
Here are some other options, led by Theodore Fa. Ben Miller provided information on no trumps and double zeros, and Jeffrey Jacobs mentioned other options.
Variation in the cards and their ranking
In some variations, some spades or all four deuces rise to the top of the peak pile and are placed in a specific order and are considered spades. The other cards are placed in a simple order.
You can also play with 54 decks with two jokers added to the standard 52 decks. In this case, the two jokers can be raised to the top two peaked top cards, and the order of that position can be determined. If the joker is used and the card is not removed, two cards will be passed to the dealer at the end of the distribution. After seeing all 15 cards, the dealer lower the two cards. There are also plays that do not give the excess two to the dealer, but to give them to the owner of Trefoil Two. There are some plays that emit after the trade.
Jeffrey Jacobs reports the version of "Widow of the Spike", which uses two decks with two jokers, but in this case, the two remaining two remaining. The card is unable to perceiv e-no one can see it until the game is over. As a result, an advanced trump card may not appear unexpectedly, and an irregular element is added.
Michael Mitchell will provide 54 card options that will take two cards after giving out a team that provides more bribes. Agree to take a card, or agree to take both players. If each team declares the same number of bribes (for example, six), each team will receive one of the remaining cards. In each case, the player (i) who has taken extra cards drops unnecessary cards and plays 13 cards in hand.
Passing cards
In front of the bid, there is also a play in which each player loweres three cards to his partner. The cards are distributed at the same time, but the player has to decide what to give when he doesn't know which card to get.
Variations in the bidding
Partnership Bidding
Instead of betting on turns, there are also plays in which each partner agreed on the rate in the process of discussion. First, the side who is not participating in the game agreed on the rate. Each partner on this side reports the number of bribes expected from the cards on hand. A certain number of vague jokes about "half" and "Mybach" are allowed, but specific information on the available cards is not allowed. For example, you may say, "I know you can receive four bribes, but you can receive six." Don't say, "I have some wooden earthworms and some singl e-ons." Then, record the agreed rate. After that, the opponent adjusts the rate in the same way.
There are also plays that each team needs to bid at least 4 tricks. If the player bets 0, the partner must do at least 4 bets.
Depending on the game, there are games in which each partnership agrees with the first bet amount, and then increase the bet amount from the first bet.
Depending on the game, the bet amount of both parties may not be 13 strokes. For this reason, none of the teams can beat the bed.
Round-the-table bidding
The type bidding described above in the main part of the spike is known as a table bidding. This type of transaction is not allowed to speak at a normal table. Players can only call their numbers. Some people play the dealer to start, not the player on the left of the dealer.
For example, if the first player of the partnership is an X trick, the final contract must be X or at least X+2. There is also the idea that the "zero" rate should always be interpreted as the "zero" rate.
In the round robin bidding, there are also those that allow each side to have a second round of the bid that can raise the bid. In this second round, start on the same side as the player who started the roundrobin bidding, and proceeded exactly as a partner bidding.
The hand that bids itself
Some people play in the first hand of Spade so that they do not play. The card is played as usual, and each team gets 10 points per hit. This is not a good rule-there is no merit to offset it, but some people like to play this way, according to Jeffrey Jay Cobbs.
Special actions / bids.
There are a wide variety of special calls and actions that players can do during their turns. Some of them are listed below. < SPAN> There are also plays that each team must bid at least 4 tricks. If the player bets 0, the partner must do at least 4 bets.
Depending on the game, there are games in which each partnership agrees with the first bet amount, and then increase the bet amount from the first bet.
Variations in the play of the cards
Depending on the game, the bet amount of both parties may not be 13 strokes. For this reason, none of the teams can beat the bed.
The type bidding described above in the main part of the spike is known as a table bidding. This type of transaction is not allowed to speak at a normal table. Players can only call their numbers. Some people play the dealer to start, not the player on the left of the dealer.
For example, if the first player of the partnership is an X trick, the final contract must be X or at least X+2. There is also the idea that the "zero" rate should always be interpreted as the "zero" rate.
In the round robin bidding, there are also those that allow each side to have a second round of the bid that can raise the bid. In this second round, start on the same side as the player who started the roundrobin bidding, and proceeded exactly as a partner bidding.
Some people play in the first hand of Spade so that they do not play. The card is played as usual, and each team gets 10 points per hit. This is not a good rule-there is no merit to offset it, but some people like to play this way, according to Jeffrey Jay Cobbs.
Variations in the scoring
There are a wide variety of special calls and actions that players can do during their turns. Some of them are listed below. There are also plays that each team must bid at least 4 tricks. If the player bets 0, the partner must do at least 4 bets.
Depending on the game, there are games in which each partnership agrees with the first bet amount, and then increase the bet amount from the first bet.
Depending on the game, the bet amount of both parties may not be 13 strokes. For this reason, none of the teams can beat the bed.
The type bidding described above in the main part of the spike is known as a table bidding. This type of transaction is not allowed to speak at a normal table. Players can only call their numbers. Some people play the dealer to start, not the player on the left of the dealer.
For example, if the first player of the partnership is an X trick, the final contract must be X or at least X+2. There is also the idea that the "zero" rate should always be interpreted as the "zero" rate.
In the round robin bidding, there are also those that allow each side to have a second round of the bid that can raise the bid. In this second round, start on the same side as the player who started the roundrobin bidding, and proceeded exactly as a partner bidding.
Some people play in the first hand of Spade so that they do not play. The card is played as usual, and each team gets 10 points per hit. This is not a good rule-there is no merit to offset it, but some people like to play this way, according to Jeffrey Jay Cobbs.
There are a wide variety of special calls and actions that players can do during their turns. Some of them are listed below.
Misdeal Any player with a hand that meets certain conditions may call. There are many aspects to misdealing. The most common rule is that a middle hand may be called by a player without a spike. Some also allow misdealing with one spade, a knockdown of seven or more, and no face cards. The player who called the misdeal discards his cards and the dealer deals a new hand. As a rule, a misdeal can only be advertised until the partner reveals some information about his hand, but there are some plays that allow the partner to be consulted in limited cases. A player may ask the question "Should I announce a wrong choice?" The partner may answer "yes" or "no", but little or no other information about his hand is revealed. Nil/Blind Nil Nil is also called Nothing. Nil and Blind Nil are sometimes valued at 50 and 100 points rather than 100 and 200 points. The penalty for losing with a Blind Nil may be only half the win (i. e. +100/-50 or +200/-100). . If a win with a Blind Nil is worth 100 points, you cannot win during this time unless you are at least 100 points behind. Some players make it so that you must exchange one card with your partner when playing a Nil, while others do not allow you to put any cards down, even with a Blind Nil. Another variation is to make a bet of zero blinds, deal one card to your partner to indicate the hit you want to take back.
Solo Spades
To win 10 to 200, you can get at least 10 bribes. In one place, the rate of 10/100 is called 10th (10-4-2 in the protocol). Another way to record 200 is to connect two zero to the top. This is because it is called a "wheel" and must be similar to a train wheel. "Boston's Moon" is an application for catching all 13 bribes and is estimated to be 200 points. If you can't receive all bribes, you will lose 200 points. When playing from 10 to 200, Luna or Boston has a rate of 500. If you succeed in applying for the moon, there are some plays that automatically win the game (this will be more advantageous if you have a negative account than 500 points). Blind Moon is an application to get all 13 bribes before the opponent looks at the hand. If you succeed, you will lose 400 points and 400 points if you fail. Applying without a trump card is not comparable to applying without a trump card such as a bridge or 500. Although the spike is still a trump card, the player who applied for "no trump card" does not promise to acquire spikes except when spikes are executed. In order to win < Span> 10-00, you can get at least 10 bribes. In one place, the rate of 10/100 is called 10th (10-4-2 in the protocol). Another way to record 200 is to connect two zero to the top. This is because it is called a "wheel" and must be similar to a train wheel. "Boston's Moon" is an application for catching all 13 bribes and is estimated to be 200 points. If you can't receive all bribes, you will lose 200 points. When playing from 10 to 200, Luna or Boston has a rate of 500. If you succeed in applying for the moon, there are some plays that automatically win the game (this will be more advantageous if you have a negative account than 500 points). Blind Moon is an application to get all 13 bribes before the opponent looks at the hand. If you succeed, you will lose 400 points and 400 points if you fail. Applying without a trump card is not comparable to applying without a trump card such as a bridge or 500. Although the spike is still a trump card, the player who applied for "no trump card" does not promise to acquire spikes except when spikes are executed. In order to win 10-00, you can get at least 10 bribes. In one place, the rate of 10/100 is called 10th (10-4-2 in the protocol). Another way to record 200 is to connect two zero to the top. This is because it is called a "wheel" and must be similar to a train wheel. "Boston's Moon" is an application for catching all 13 bribes and is estimated to be 200 points. If you can't receive all bribes, you will lose 200 points. When playing from 10 to 200, Luna or Boston has a rate of 500. If you succeed in applying for the moon, there are some plays that automatically win the game (this will be more advantageous if you have a negative account than 500 points). Blind Moon is an application to get all 13 bribes before the opponent looks at the hand. If you succeed, you will lose 400 points and 400 points if you fail. Applying without a trump card is not comparable to applying without a trump card such as a bridge or 500. Although the spike is still a trump card, the player who applied for "no trump card" does not promise to acquire spikes except when spikes are executed. You can bet
Spades for Six Players
If one of the partners wins the hoccus pocus, the bet does not stand. The penalty in this case is 250 points, 500 points, or an automatic loss. Also, if both partners win the hoccus pocus, the competitor is awarded a prize of 100 points. The "double zero" bet is only allowed for teams that are definitely behind, for example, by more than 400 points in this game of 1000 points. In some circles, a "blind double zero" bet is allowed. In case of a fuss, the member who made the bet wins the whole game, otherwise the rival wins. When a team prepares a "double zero" bet, some players play in such a way that before the game starts, each player of the team simultaneously hands two cards face down to their partner. Order Bemo Klein Bemo requires a team to win the first six strokes. This is considered to be in addition to the normal rate, and in case of a fuss, the team receives an additional prize worth 60, and in case of a fuss, they lose 60. The big bet is similar, with the team that made this bet being obligated to win the first nine strokes, receiving a prize worth 90 points if they make a big mistake, or losing 90 points if they make a big mistake.
In some games, the dealer, rather than the player to his left, leads first and can play any card, regardless of whether they win or lose.
Some people insist that everyone play with the lowest club in one stroke. A player without clubs must draw a diamond or a heart. There is a possibility of getting rid of the debt. In this version, in one stroke, it doesn't matter in what order the four players play their cards, but if you want to be fickle, the owner of two clubs is obligated to play, and the other players play in a clockwise order. The club with the highest number is the winner of the Hocus Pocus game.
Spades for Three Players
Some first games allow players without clubs to play spades during the game. In this case, Hocus Pocus is exclusively won by the highest spade if spades have been played. Since the order of play is determined logically (if you intend to play a spade, wait until another player plays the highest spade first), the owner of the 2 of clubs must take the first stroke (if you are playing a joker and the 2 of clubs has been discarded, then the owner of the lowest cross of spades must take the first stroke).
The Cards
Some people play so that the prize can be taken at any time, not necessarily so that it can be broken first.
Some people play so that when using a deck of 54 cards (with 2 jokers), if the highest joker is taken (played as the first card of the draw), the other players must play their highest spade.
The Betting
A beat (skip or sandbag) beyond the contract can give someone a minus 1 point instead of a plus 1 point. In this case, the penalty for accumulating 10 skips does not apply.
The Play
Some players count sandbags using a single digit of the score, but this is not counted as part of the score. In other words, sandbags are substantially valuable until 10 pieces, and thereafter it is worth 100. In this variation, if your score is 369, you have 7 strokes, and if you do 9 strokes, your score will be 331 (not 341).
- There is a special card, and if the card is included in your hand, there is also a play to cancel one sandbag in your hand. If the person receiving a special card does not skip or loses a bed, a special card has no effect. A special card can be a fixed card such as Spade 3, or it can be defined by cutting the card in front of the deal.
- Some competitions do not impose penalties even if 10 sandbags are made.
There are games where you lose more than twice the trick of a bid trick (for example, if you take 4 tricks and more than 8 tricks).
Depending on the game, the penalty when only a stroke is smaller than the required number of strokes is not 10 times that of the bet, and the number of strokes below the bet is 10 points.
Depending on the game, if the total score on a certain side is less than 500 points, the side loses to the game (of course, the other side wins).
Some players aim to win 1, 000 points instead of 500 points. Some people play with only 300 points.
Play using Ace: According to Michael Mitchell's report, if the partner has all four ace and bring it back in a trick, there is a variation that if you declare before the start of the game, you will get 100 bonuses. Players with four ace can declare it. A player with three ace asks his partner, "Is it possible to go with Ace?", And if you have the fourth ace, your partner can answer "yes". If there are only two ace in your hand, the player asks, "Can you go with Ace?", And if you have two more ace in your hand, you can answer "yes". These declarations can be performed before, in the middle, or later before the play begins. He declared four ace, but the team who couldn't win was no penalty. This variant is usually played without zerobet, and the joker and Spade 2 are considered to be higher than Spade Ace, so the spade ace is not a specific move.
Variation - bonus scores
In the play card of Rec. Games., Mayister (Chrisor@i-Link. Net) touches on the variations of spikes for four people without a partner. The order is made by the number of bribes arranged by each player, and in play games, you have to beat the most advanced cards you have played so far. For this reason, if there is no lead card, it will lead to a spike game.
The game is held between the three teams, and the partner is sitting a friend's visa (so you are separated from another team in each direction of the partner).
Use 102 decks that mix 2 low cards with two normal 52 decks. Some groups remove both tambourine, while others remove both triffs.
Application and scoring calculation are the same as this fou r-person IRGE, and there may be such options. In this IRGE, if two monotonous cards are played with the same bribes, the second is the first one.
There is no partnership.
Use one 52 regular deck. Each player is given 17 cards. The kept card is excluded from the party play.
- Options: Play with 54 decks and cover seniors and junior students as two trump cards. Distribute 18 cards to each player.
- Each player calls the amount in order from the player on the left of the dealer (SO bed). The job of each player is to get this number of bribes. There are plays that make the total of three bets from becoming 17 bribes, and not everyone has the chance to settle your bet.
- Players who have two crosses must remove them in the first bribe. In rare cases, if there are no two crosses in this IRGE, players with three crosses have to cross. The other two players are obliged to release a club (not the worst duty). There is a chance for players without crosses:
Play or take all kinds of spikes
Play no n-transparent spikes from other misconduct.
Three-Player Spades with a Dummy
The player who won the focus bacon leads the right. 2) Other players must play the fucking cards, if the first player does not have the fucking card, they must arrest spikes, or drain a card other than the race. Neither of the first player has the fucking card, and if both play a spike, the one with the spike will be higher. The player has no ability to put out spikes until the spike is not used to get other focuses, and has no bucket. However, it is an exception if the player does not have any hand, not a peak count.
Spades for Two Players
Remember the speed of each player! If the number of bribes acquisition is the same or more, 10 points per set will be earned. If the bribes you have acquired are less than the settings, you lose 10 bribes more than the settings (such a loss is usually called repeat).
The sandbag is ove r-trick, and if you take too much bribes, the number of bribes you put one more than one bribe increases, the number of points in the contract will be 10 points. For example, if four bribes are placed and five bribes are taken, the points are not 40 points, only 30 points. If seven bribes are taken and three bribes are placed, they lose 10 points (30 points minus 40 points).
- Variation: Some players think of sandbags. Instead of losing 10 points from the contract amount per sandbag, you lose 100 points when you accumulate 10 bags (in different transactions). This is why you sometimes leave too many tricks and lose your glasses, as you get it.
- Games are performed, usually 300, 400, 500, or to other rounds. If one (or any more) player exceeds this number, a more scored player will win.
SSU's Kay Won recommends playing with the following bonuses:
If you take the last bribe at a high point (9 or more) and take as much as the arranged number, 10 bonuses will be added. If you go back (if you take too much bribe), the bonus will not be charged.
More Spades Variations
Finally, if the continuous bribes (2, 3 or four or more) are all acquired in high spikes (9 or more) and the number of pieces is obtained. You can get a bonus of the dot (for example, if you bet with a bribe of the last five high spikes, you will get 50 bonuses).
Other Spades WWW sites and information
This bonus does not occur when the latest bribes of no n-pike or low spikes are gained. For example, after gaining the latest bribes in four tambourine, the player who finally became "lucky" will not be charged a bonus. On the other hand, if you have a spike ace and wait to the end and hit the spike, it will be considered a good play and a bonus will be added.
- If you succeed in applying for more than seven bribes, more than six times will be added to 10 points. In other words, 80 points if you apply accurately seven bribes. 8 bribes are 100 points and 9 bribes are 120 points. This is something that rewards more bold people.
- It is very difficult to bet exactly 2, 1, or 1, and it is rewarded as follows:
- If you set 2 and win 2, you will receive 40 points (not 20 points). 20 points (1 bag) even if 3 comes out. With four bribes, it doesn't get anything, and every time the bag increases, you scor e-10 points (as usual).
- If you win one and get exactly one, you get 60 points. If you win two, you still get nothing, and each of your auxiliary bags i s-10.
- If you don't get first or second, you're entitled to 100 points. If you're unhappy, you can subtract 10 for each trick (just like with a normal bag).
- How to have fun: You can also make a rudimentary bet without looking at your cards. In this case, all your glasses are your stake. For example, if you bet and hit 5 tricks, you get 100 points. But if you miss, you get a penalty (-100 points for 5 tricks).
- Here's a hyperlink about IRGE, recommended by Shu Kay Vong in his Vini 3-player reader.
Spades Software
The three-player Vini game "Mannequin's Hand" invented by Dan Corkill is played in a bridge-like fashion with four hands, three players and one mannequin, with the mannequin's hand playing as partners and the one member with the highest guess wins.
- There is no trading. Instead, the deck is placed face up between the two players, and they take turns taking cards.
- For a personal move, you take the top card, look at it (without showing it to your opponent), and decide if you want to forget it.
- If you want to forget it yourself, you are obligated to put it in your hand, take the card to the right that you are looking at, and slow down;
- If you decide not to discard the first card, you discard it face down and take the card to the right that you put in your hand.
- Then another player's line begins, for example, until the row is exhausted. Each person has 13 cards in their hand, and they have thrown 13 cards. Now each player prepares a bet for the number of bribes and you play and score according to the content of the rules, in fact, for 3 or 4 players.
- Some spike options offered by guests of PAGAT. com can be found in the PIK option on the "Invented Games" page.
- Some other websites that offer all kinds of rules for playing games with Vini and tactical clues:
- John Hay's "Peaks" page.
- Rules of the game in Vini by B. J. Herbison.
Online Spades
Archived page of the old Zspades website: Bird's Spades Rules is a collection of more than 70 necessary recommendations on playing strategy.
- Archived photos of Dave Barker's former page dedicated to Peaks.
- John Pea k-rules documenting the version played on the Internet on the currently existing PlaySit e-server.
- The DN P-website has information and recommendations on the various peaks known as "Double No Pass" (DNP).
- Archived photos of the "Master Spades" website. The website had a huge segment on basic and advanced strategies, forums for discussion and other information.
- Websites featuring Spades computer programs for jumping and network games vs computer competitors:
- Hoyle Card Games - Collection for Windows or Mac OS X connects almost all other well-known card games and comparable Spades programs.
- SouthernTouch Spades is an application for playing Wini written by Darwin Pinder that is inexpensive for iPad, iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows 8 and other platforms.
- Ainar Egilsson has published a charity application for playing Wini on Java.
- On the website cardgame. com there is a gift online game of Wini vs 3 computer competitors.
- You can download a charity program for playing Wini on the LeoSite card games website.
- With DKM Spades in the CardSharp package you can play Wini Internet vs computer 3 players, for example in a two-handed version vs 1 bot.
- On the Playspades-online. com website you can play Wini Internet against 3 computers.
- At the Spades Online website, Sergey Svipko, you can play Wini Internet against three computer opponents.
- At the Pieter Meijer's Cardgames. club website, you can run Internet vs Computer in Wini.
- The following websites allow you to run Internet vs Life-Competitors in Wini:
- At the website Canasis. com, it is possible to run Internet as the majority of gifts peak. Criteria can be configured for yourself or choose from popular styles to play Vini once.
- Tournaments, leagues and kicks are held on Mistik Island. It is the official home of Joe Andrews and Demand Media's Double Spade format, as well as Super Spades, where the player who made the highest rate plays a partner's hand (like in Bridge). It also offers the option of 3-hand cut and the classic 4-hand bag (a game without a partner).
- Hardwood Spades is available for Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android and other platforms.
- Casualino announces charity plan with Vini VIPSPADES cross-platform internet HTML5-Toy.
- World of Card Games Robert Schulz invites online groups to Vini.
- Game Zone
- Safe Harbor Games
- Game Safari
- Cardzmanie
JD Software invites you to play Spades with Android, iPhone or online support against live competitors or computer.
Online Player Play (formerly Kurnik)
