The Joker s Wild Quotes Catchphrases lucky joker 100 quotes.
The Joker's Wild/Quotes & Catchphrases
1968 movie "Welcome to Wild Joker"! The only new game program on TV, where the category is really lively due to the fact that the category is human. The representative of baseball is Don Dragon's Dale. The music section is Rosemary Clooney. The show business is Rich Little. Home economics is Irene Ryan. The representative of the politician is Pat Porsen. The judges ask questions about each category. And now, the main show Allen Radden!
1969 Pilot Spire: "Welcome to Wild Joker! In this freshest TV game show, players determine their own fate and turn the wheels of the category. Category 1 gam e-Space, manners, baseball, cooking , And now our main show!
Celebrity Pilot Spail (1973): "From Hollywood -" -Fromer of the Celebrities of the Jokers Wild Show! The current guests are Marty Ingles's "Sex Movie!", Anne Elder "Food and Drinks!" "And the first two Jack Barry!"
2006 Pilot Spiel: "Joker! Joker Joker! Yes, this is" Joker Wild Game "! And your main, Mar k-Maxwell Smith! "
70s and 80s Spiels [ ]
CBS version (first broadcast in 1972): "CBS will deliver the most attractive new program in the United States from Hollywood TV Metropolis. Wild Magnic!" (Audience applause) is Jack Barry. ""
Note: Before Jacobs wrote the text, two members are first in the studio.
Shinjikate Draw "Champion Return" Part 1: Today (indicating the return champion) has won the (indicating amount) game. He / his prize money was used (indicating the total)! How much can he still/ her own Victorious-series? One minute left.
Shinjikating Spy Revolutionary Part 2: On the current day (inserted the returned champion), we won the game (inserted the amount). If you win the right game, he will receive a private car (fill in the number) and the prize money will be higher than (fill in the total amount). You can see this immediately.
The remaining "Striker": "From Hollywood (TV city), a game where knowledge is the main and luck is a queen. This is a joker game! And now::::
- "And here is the main show, Jack Barry / Bill Karen!" (1972-1986)
- "Jack Barry / Bill Karen's main show" Jim Peck! "
$1,000,000 Tournament of Champions (1980) [ ]
Note: In this introduction, the content of the movie "Beave to the Bank" (1976) was used:
Deneck 1: "This is the 11th day of the 1 million dollar championship tournament, the 11th day of the 1 million dollar championship tournament. Once from the data of the two players, our favorite and favorite favorite share $ 1. 5 million. (And now is Jack Barry. "
Deneck 2: "Jokers Wild, 1 million dolutral nations 12 days. In this show, we freeze our state's favorite once from the data of the two players, and we have the highest television prize in this situation. I have the opportunity to split: $ 1. 5 million!
90s Spiel [ ]
1989 Pilot/1990-1991 Spiel: "Knowledge is the main, luck is for the queen game! This is a joker game! And the“ new) chief, Pat Finn!
Snoop Dogg Spiels [ ]
TBS 2017-2019 Spiel (A): "Birchael: Joker! Joker! Joker!
Remix! Are you ready to defeat the devil?
Birchael: It's time for Jokers Wild! And it is a SNOP dog, a person who revived Bukovka's "G" in the game show! "
TBS 2017-2019 Spiel (B): Birchael "Joker Joker! Joker Touch Time!
Birchael: "Ji" → "Devil" → Down. It is the most rampant casino in every large city. This is a joker game! Greet your owner, nose maddle dog! "
Host Intros [ ]
Thank you, and welcome to the Joker Wild. -Jack Barry's Corporate Party < SPAN> Note: The introduction is the content of the movie "Beave to the Bank" (1976):
Catchphrases [ ]
1972-1986 [ ]
Deneck 1: "This is the 11th day of the 1 million dollar championship tournament, the 11th day of the 1 million dollar championship tournament. Once from the data of the two players, our favorite and favorite favorite share $ 1. 5 million. (And now is Jack Barry. "
Deneck 2: "Jokers Wild, 1 million dolutral nations 12 days. In this show, we freeze our state's favorite once from the data of the two players, and we have the highest television prize in this situation. I have the opportunity to split: $ 1. 5 million!
1989 Pilot/1990-1991 Spiel: "Knowledge is the main, luck is for the queen game! This is a joker game! And the“ new) chief, Pat Finn!
TBS 2017-2019 Spiel (A): "Birchael: Joker! Joker! Joker!
Spins [ ]
Remix! Are you ready to defeat the devil?
Birchael: It's time for Jokers Wild! And it is a SNOP dog, a person who revived Bukovka's "G" in the game show! "
TBS 2017-2019 Spiel (B): Birchael "Joker Joker! Joker Touch Time!
Birchael: "Ji" → "Devil" → Down. It is the most rampant casino in every large city. This is a joker game! Greet your owner, nose maddle dog! "
Thank you, and welcome to the Joker Wild. -Jack Barry's Corporate Party Note: In this introduction, we used the contents of the movie "Beave to the Bank" (1976):
Deneck 1: "This is the 11th day of the 1 million dollar championship tournament, the 11th day of the 1 million dollar championship tournament. Once from the data of the two players, our favorite and favorite favorite share $ 1. 5 million. (And now is Jack Barry. "
Deneck 2: "Jokers Wild, 1 million dolutral nations 12 days. In this show, we freeze our state's favorite once from the data of the two players, and we have the highest television prize in this situation. I have the opportunity to split: $ 1. 5 million!
1989 Pilot/1990-1991 Spiel: "Knowledge is the main, luck is for the queen game! This is a joker game! And the“ new) chief, Pat Finn!
TBS 2017-2019 Spiel (A): "Birchael: Joker! Joker! Joker!
Remix! Are you ready to defeat the devil?
Birchael: It's time for Jokers Wild! And it is a SNOP dog, a person who revived Bukovka's "G" in the game show! "
TBS 2017-2019 Spiel (B): Birchael "Joker Joker! Joker Touch Time!
Birchael: "Ji" → "Devil" → Down. It is the most rampant casino in every large city. This is a joker game! Greet your owner, nose maddle dog! "
Thank you, and welcome to the Joker Wild. -Jack Barry corporate party
Each person alternately draws the lever and operates the category wheels (forcibly rotates). Either way, if you have a successful composition for you and you answer the question correctly, you will get money. If you come up with the three different categories (baseball-cooking-royalties) you are given and answer questions from this category, you will receive $ 50. If you come up with a pair and 1 (Cook-Royalty-Roylty), if you answer the unit correctly, you will send you $ 50 and the correct answer is $ 100. If you come up with 3 (travel trip), you will receive $ 150 (later $ 200) if you answer questions in this category. We have a joker on the wheels, they are rampant, this is the title of the game. When you notice the joker, you can make a combination (TV joker bus ball/ joker-Kulinaria-joker). The first player of this IRGE will encounter a bonus round, which will win $ 500 with personal movements, or the first player that has won the IRGE can protect funds and earn excellent prizes. And one more: 3 If the jock falls at any time (and you will answer the question correctly), you will mechanically beat the game from your account. -The Jack Barry explains the standards for this game in a previous program.
On a Question [ ]
The only way to win is to collect three jokers. If the falling jocker is less than three, the game ends. -The Jack explains how to determine the last turn when there is a big difference.
Only one set is necessary to surviv e-Jack explains the finish pin when a big difference is made
To survive, you need a joker or striker (x). If anything else fails, everything is over. -The Jack knows about finish rotation, if the attacker falls into the category and when the player is left behind.
(Category), (Category), (Category)
(Category), (Category), (Category) are not rather friendly spins.
(Category), (category) and pair
(Category), pair, (category)
(Category), couple, 3 people
(Category), couples, high hi! -The natural trap
Face the Devil [ ]
(Category), (Category), Joker
(Category), Joker, (Category)
Joker, (category), (category)
Audience Game [ ]
(Category), Joker, Troika
Joker, (category), and three
1990-1991 [ ]
Joker, Joker, (category)
Joker, Joker, Joker
(If applicable, insert a special category, such as "furious X", or a specific category combination) (Joker/ Category.) No! End "Jack, when the last rotation does not inspire the world champion"
You need to answer (X) questions and win the game/ love. If you make a mistake, you will win this game (the other person). -Jack, if the member chose "Fast and Furious" in the last spin.
The right of money)!
There is no settlement.
This is not true (or not the truth). If you say (fill in the amount), you can arrest.
No, if you can tell me (fill in the amount).
This is not true (or correct). If you tell me, you can beat the game. -In the history of theft in this game
The correct answer here is $ 500, stochastically determines the winning or losing, but (fill in the champion's name) personally wins the final pin. -When a candidate plays the game
The correct answer determines the $ 500 win or loss. If you skip this, the game will continue as before. -In the case where there are three jokers
We warn the visitor s-Barry asks the studio audience to shout the answer even if dangerous problems are given. When Jim Bake was a su b-presenter, he used the phrase, "Viewers, be careful." Bill Karen's message is "don't help."
You beat the game! -Subach of this game
Let's go see the devil! -The Jack's famous rant invites the champion to the right side of the stage and participates in this bonus game.
The wheels have only means and devils. Every time you spin and dodge a small demon, you get cash. If you reach $ 1. 000 or more without meeting the devil, you will give them not only $ 1. 000 but also these gifts. -The Jack explains the standards for bonus rounds.
Stop or continue? -Jack asks the player to conclude.
It is a chance to meet the devil (with the audience's name)! -Charlie Odonell
Snoop Dogg Presents The Joker's Wild (2017-2019) [ ]
We will give you a chance to play this role. If you earn the most points among these three people, you have the chance to fight Satan. -Jack Barry explains to the first player in the audience.
This is a wildcard car, all three windows are dollars displayed, and the last window displays a fairly large wildcard. Each rotation determines the price of each issue. Jokers Wild is a definition game. When I pass the sentence, phrase, person, and space to the participants, the participants will tell the meaning accurately. Say goodbye to players with the lowest prize. -Pat fins explain the 1990 version of the play standards.
The play method in Joker's Wild is as follows: The category is described in the wheel, like a conventional joker. Apart from this, the joker has the ability to appear in every window. The joker is (of course) unlimited, and as a result, the player can transform the joker into any category on the wheel. Single category is $ 25, double category is $ 50, and triple category is $ 100. If three jokers fail, we will mechanically add $ 250 to your account. And, as you know, the first round ends $ 1. 000, and we say goodbye to players with the smallest funds. -Pat fins explain the 1990 version of the Category / Classic standards.
Every time we start a game in the ring, for example, the players actually control the bat and success. -Pat fin is responsible for restricting jumping underwater
(Place the required amount) For each correct answer/S. -Pat fins
The answer is within 3 seconds. And if we actually judge that somewhere in your answer is wrong, I have to say that it is a mistake. -Pat Finn responds correctly to the jumping question and turns to the player who first gained the right of the turn.
Let me (name) say goodbye. thank you. We have a wonderful presentation behind the scenes. -Pat Finn will say goodbye to players with few scores.
Let me say goodbye to your (name), it was a good thing for us, what did you come here, leave cash and prizes (in total)? Thank you for staying with us. "Pat Finn said goodbye to the victory candidate in the main battle.
I will return it in the second round of Jokers Wild! -Pat fins return again when the program enters the first marketing break.
How the (name) plays in the Joker's Wild Bonus Round is fun after returning! -Pat Finn, enter the second break.
When you come back, (name) and joker car! -A future bonus round variations by Pat Finn
The following sentences. First definition. (Insert the first two definitions) The latest definition. (Include the latest definition) -Pet is pronounced while reading the definition in one bonus round.
You processed very well. For you who correctly (insert numbers), (insert the number) of the joker machine. What is the wheel prize money? -Pat Finn explains the second half of the bonus round.
If you drop the joker, joker, or joker at the same time, give $ 5. 000. -Pat Finn, when Jackpot Joker hits in the previous show
By the way, if you hit the Joker Jackpot, add $ 500. For example, if you spin Joker, Joker, and Joker once, you will (Joker Jackpot). " -Pat Finn and Joker Jackpot reached $ 5. 500 ($ 500 every day is added to the jackpot), no one hit the jackpot in the previous show.
I came back to recognize everything he/ she acquired in this Jokers Wild. -Pat Finn, when the program enters the last break
By the way, since the jackpot did not hit, I will add $ 500. For example, if Joker, Joker, Joker come out with one spin on the first day of tomorrow/ week, you win (Jokers Jackpot rushing) -Pat fins, when the popular Jokers Jackpot is not hit.
You hit the Joker Jackpot. As a result, on the first day of tomorrow/ week, start everything from the beginning for $ 5, 000. -Pat Finn, when your favorite player hits the Joker Jackpot with one spin
Quotes [ ]
"It's time to play Joker wild.
"What is the name of the game? Audience: The Joker's WIL D-SNOOP DOGG
"Are you ready to defeat the devil?" --Snupdog
"Turn the wheels, answer the question correctly, and win money"
"Give me [Name Part 1], give [Name Part 2], all" --Ginnie Mei (Season 1 only)
"Display the category!" --Snoop Dog
"Players with the highest number of games advanced to $ 25. 000 bonus rounds" --Snupdog (2017 only)
"At the end of this round, the leading player gets $ 50. 000" --Snupdog (2018-2019)
"Your answer is absolutely wrong," Snoopdog talks to the player who gave the wrong answer.
"Did you not know?" - And the wrong answer
"Correct answer!" - Snoop Dog reports the correct answer to the players
"Devils are dirty in a low city (strange words)" --Snup Dog (2017-2019)
"Remix!" --Snoop Dog (2017-2019)
"Turn the lever. Let's be smarter." --Snupdog
"$ 300 to $ 1, 500, wildcards are $ 2, 000. Wild cards are $ 2. 000. Spin to $ 10. 000, spin up to $ 25. 000/$ 50. 000, spinning three wild, and immediately jackpots. Care, there is a devil, and if he is discovered, you will fade everything.
"[Insert category] with [Insert celebrity names (multiple possible)]" --Snupdog (2017-2019)
"XXXX, get a personal record for XXXX" --Snup Dog (2018-2019)
"If the [Insert name] torn $ 25. 000/$ 50. 000, the prize money will be doubled/twice." --Main (Season 1)
"Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello! Jokers Wild! Believe me, this is a wild show. This is a game of skill, luck and strategy using a living category. Let's say hello to the category in 1968!
"Hello everyone! This is Jokers Wild. This is a game of luck, technology and many strategies, this is a kind of person for cars, and the winner can get up to $ 750. Let's start with a great game, who is the first player?
"Thank you. Thank you. Please look forward to a new and very exciting show. This program is a king, luck is a queen, and the winning player can earn up to $ 25, 000 cash and prize. If you play the game and check if you can get a prize, you need some players, can you introduce the first two players? -A Jack Barry's first greeting on the program on CBS on September 4, 1972.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! And welcome to the star version of Jokers Wild! And a special greeting to the five celebrities who participated in the panel. Welcome to the Joker wild! See you! Thank you very much! Hello, where are you working as a medical secretary?
Taglines [ ]
Lorea: I work in Centuri City.
I'm glad to be with you on the program.
Lorea: Thank you.
Announcer Lines [ ]
Barry: And the male desk on the right, he has previously a disc, and his name is Dave Raff. Hello, Dave!
Jack, how are you?
Barry: Okay. Where are you? Where were you doing disks, Dave?
Closing Logos [ ]
Dave: Yes, Jack, I worked.
Barry: on the coast?
Yes, offshore on the coast, he had a small ship and was broadcast on Calvar City.
It seemed to be a very exciting job.
It didn't last long, but it was really wonderful.
